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Career Options with an M.Ed. in Literacy

An M.Ed. in Literacy opens up a variety of possible occupations for graduates. Through an online program like the one offered by Eastern Washington University, it’s possible to earn the M.Ed. in as few as 12 months.

Here are just a few of the opportunities available to graduates with an M.Ed. in Literacy. Salary information was sourced in March 2021.

Classroom Teacher with Enhanced Skills in Literacy (median yearly salary: $59,420)

Reading is a vital skill, so well-prepared literacy educators will always be in demand. With an M.Ed. in Literacy, you will be qualified to work in private, public and charter schools and will likely start out at a higher rate of pay. Grade school classroom teachers generally focus on the basics of teaching children to read and write. At higher grade levels, reading, English, and language arts classes help students to improve comprehension of more complex literature and content area text.

Reading Specialist (average yearly salary: $37,550)

The primary focus of a reading specialist is to support students of any age who do not read at grade level. This could mean working in a one-on-one setting with a student, giving small group instruction, assisting the primary teacher with devising strategies to improve reading skills, or, in some cases, co-teaching readers who may need additional assistance. When a student’s reading skills threaten to affect their ability to keep up with their classmates – or they show signs of a learning disorder – reading specialists may be called in to help such students overcome whatever challenges they may be facing.

Title 1 Reading Specialists frequently hold jobs with “schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards.” As a knowledgeable and respected resource, a reading specialist can have a positive impact on students who need help most.

District Reading Curriculum Specialist (average yearly salary: $66,290)

While they share a common mission with reading specialists, the district reading curriculum specialist, or instructional coordinator, typically works outside the classroom environment. Their focus is designing and implementing curriculum, training teachers, selecting textbooks or educational materials, establishing district standards, and analyzing students’ test data. They often work one on one with teachers, as they mentor and coach educators to meet the needs of struggling readers.

Adult Literacy Teacher (average yearly salary: $54,350)

Adult literacy teachers must be both adaptable and creative as there is no “typical” student. At any given time, a class could include students of various ages or education levels, non-native English speakers, and individuals dealing with challenges in their everyday lives.

Adult literacy teachers must think outside the classroom bubble, as their students may require help developing skills that will make them viable job candidates. Some adult literacy teachers also connect their students to community resources. Literacy educators may work with students in traditional classrooms, one-on-one settings, through community organizations, or even at the community college level.

Graduates of the online Master of Education in Literacy from Eastern Washington University have a number of professional options to choose from. In their day-to-day efforts, these dedicated educators often propel their students to greater success, thus elevating the entire community. By completing the M.Ed. program in as few as 12 months, you could be embarking on your own career as a literacy educator.

Learn more about EWU’s online M.Ed. – Literacy program.


Indeed: Reading Specialist

O*Net Online: Instructional Coordinators What Does a Reading Specialist Do?

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Kindergarten and Elementary School Teachers

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: What Instructional Coordinators Do

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Adult Basic and Secondary Education and ESL Teachers

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: What Adult Basic and Secondary Education and ESL Teachers Do

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