
Gain valuable real-world experience while earning your online degree

EWU Online Internships

The internships listed below are required for all the Master of Education programs offered at Eastern Washington University. The timing and credits for each internship varies per program.

Students in some concentrations may break up credits into 2 or 4 credit increments per term for added flexibility. At a minimum, 4 quarter credits translates to 120 hours to complete. As such, an internship may be completed in a minimum timeframe of two six-week courses.

Due to COVID-19, modifications to internships have been implemented. The state endorsement competencies are being met through course assignments and are no longer requiring one-on-one work with students.

Adult Education Concentration

The internship is broken into two courses:

  • COIN 621 – Internship I (2 credit hours)
  • COIN 622 – Internship II (2 credit hours)

Students will enroll in two separate internship courses in two separate six-week sessions. You complete Internship I before Internship II. Each internship accounts for 60 hours of working with students, reading, writing/reflecting, meetings, interviews, actual work on topic, and assignments in Canvas.

CTE Concentration

The internship is broken into two courses in partnership with the comprehensive exam and portfolio courses:

  • CTED 611 – CTE Internship (2 credit hours)
  • CTED 612 – CTE Internship (2 credit hours)

These courses must be completed in sequential order with partnered courses in practicum and comprehensive exam. These internship courses meet the practicum student contact requirements for initial CTE Certificate. This internship sequence requires 30 hours per internship for a total of 60 hours of practicum experience. Mentors must meet EWU required standards. 

CTE Administrator Concentration

The internship is broken into six courses:

  • CTED 671 – CTE Internship and Portfolio (2 credit hours)
  • CTED 672 – CTE Internship and Portfolio (2 credit hours)
  • CTED 673 – CTE Internship and Portfolio (2 credit hours)
  • CTED 674 – CTE Internship and Portfolio (2 credit hours)
  • CTED 675 – CTE Internship and Portfolio (2 credit hours)
  • CTED 676 – CTE Internship and Portfolio (2 credit hours)

Course content will provide a framework for the acquisition of leadership theory and skills required to become a CTE administrator and meet Washington state competencies for the initial CTE administrator requirements. These courses must be completed in sequence. To meet certification requirements, internship credits must be registered in sequential sessions. Each internship begins with CTED 671, which is offered in the Fall 1 session only. During this internship sequence, candidates must complete 200 hours of mentored experience. The internship application for the fall term opens in February. Candidates may be required by their district to go through the administrative internship selection process as well as the EWU selection process. District Authorization must be provided in order to proceed with an internship.  Mentors must meet state required standards. 

Curriculum & Instruction Concentration

The internship is broken into two courses:

  • EDUC 621 – C&I Internship I (2 credit hours)
  • EDUC 622 – C&I Internship II (2 credit hours)

Students will enroll in two separate internship courses in two separate six-week sessions. You complete Internship I before Internship II. Each internship accounts for 60 hours of working with students, reading, writing/reflecting, meetings, interviews, actual work on topic, and assignments in Canvas.

Early Childhood Education Concentration

The internship is broken into two courses:

  • EDUC 631 – ECE Internship I (2 credit hours)
  • EDUC 632 – ECE Internship II (2 credit hours)

These courses must be completed in two separate sessions. Four credit hours equates to 120 total hours, which is a combination of onsite hours, reading, writing/reflecting, meetings, interviews, work on topic, and evaluations of curriculum.

Educational Leadership Concentration

The internship is broken into two courses:

  • EDUC 651 – Leadership Internship I (2 credit hours)
  • EDUC 652 – Leadership Internship II (2 credit hours)

Students will enroll in two separate internship courses in two separate six-week sessions. You complete Internship I before Internship II. Each internship accounts for 60 hours of working with students, reading, writing/reflecting, meetings, interviews, actual work on topic, and assignments in Canvas.

Educational Leadership Concentration seeking Principal Certification

The internship is broken into six courses:

  • EDUC 660 – Principal Internship and Portfolio I (2 credit hours)
  • EDUC 661 – Principal Internship and Portfolio II (2 credit hours)
  • EDUC 662 – Principal Internship and Portfolio III (2 credit hours)
  • EDUC 663 – Principal Internship and Portfolio IV (2 credit hours)
  • EDUC 664 – Principal Internship and Portfolio V (2 credit hours)
  • EDUC 665 – Principal Internship and Portfolio VI (2 credit hours)

Twelve internship credits equate to 540 total hours, 50% of which (270 hours) must be completed during the academic school year when students and/or staff are present. The other 50% (270) can be completed doing administrative activities such as scheduling, serving on interview teams, curriculum evaluation, or data analysis for program improvement.

Students may begin their internship upon district approval and submission of internship application and district approval form. In order to meet certification requirements, internship credits must be registered in sequential sessions. Each internship begins with EDUC 660 which is offered ONLY in the fall 1 term.

ELL/ TESOL Concentration

The internship is broken up into two courses:

  • ENGL 621: Internship 1: Communicative Competence (2 credit hours)
  • ENGL 622: Internship II: Teaching Multilinguals Writer & Grammar (2 credit hours)

These courses must be completed in two separate sessions. Each internship accounts for 60 hours of working with students, reading, writing/ reflecting, meetings, interviews, actual work on topic and assignments in Canvas.

Health & Physical Education Concentration

The internship is broken up into two courses:

  • PHED 611: Internship in Health Education (2 credit hours)
  • PHED 612: Internship in Physical Education (2 credit hours)

These courses must be completed in two separate sessions. Each internship accounts for 60 hours of working with students, reading, writing/ reflecting, meetings, interviews, actual work on topic and assignments in Canvas.

Library Media Concentration

The internship is broken up into two courses:

  • EDUC 645: Internship I (2 credit hours)
  • EDUC 646: Internship II (2 credit hours)

These courses must be completed in two separate sessions. Each internship accounts for 60 hours of working with students, reading, writing/ reflecting, meetings, interviews, actual work on topic and assignments in Canvas.

Literacy Concentration

The internship is broken into four courses:

  • EDUC 641 – Literacy Internship I (2 credit hours) AND EDUC 591 – Instructional Foundations/Interviews for Literacy Difficulties (4 credit hours)
  • EDUC 642 – Literacy Internship I (2 credit hours) AND EDUC 592 – Instructional Foundations/Interviews for Literacy Difficulties (4 credit hours)

These courses must be paired, as reflected above, in the same term. Four credits equate to 120 total hours, which is a combination of onsite hours, reading, writing, reflecting, meetings, interviews, work on topic, and evaluations of curriculum. Internship can be completed in the summer term if the opportunity exists.

The internship can occur in your own classroom if approved by your principal. If you are not working within a school, you will need to find a non-school setting that will provide access to children.

Principal Certificate Program

The internship is broken into six courses:

  • EDUC 660 – Principal Internship and Portfolio I (2 credit hours)
  • EDUC 661 – Principal Internship and Portfolio II (2 credit hours)
  • EDUC 662 – Principal Internship and Portfolio III (2 credit hours)
  • EDUC 663 – Principal Internship and Portfolio IV (2 credit hours)
  • EDUC 664 – Principal Internship and Portfolio V (2 credit hours)
  • EDUC 665 – Principal Internship and Portfolio VI (2 credit hours)

Twelve internship credits equate to 540 total hours, 50% of which (270 hours) must be completed during the academic school year when students and/or staff are present. The other 50% (270) can be completed doing administrative activities such as scheduling, serving on interview teams, curriculum evaluation, or data analysis for program improvement.

Students may begin their internship upon district approval and submission of internship application and district approval form. In order to meet certification requirements, internship credits must be registered in sequential sessions. Each internship begins with EDUC 660 which is offered ONLY in the fall 1 term.

Special Education (SPED) Concentration

The internship is broken up into three courses:

  • SPED 607: Internship I (2 credit hours)
  • SPED 608: Internship II (2 credit hours)
  • SPED 609: Internship III (2 credit hours)

These courses must be completed in three separate sessions. Each internship accounts for 60 hours of working with students, reading, writing/ reflecting, meetings, interviews, actual work on topic and assignments in Canvas.

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