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Apply Your M.Ed. in Educational Leadership to These Non-Traditional Settings Not in Front of the Classroom

When we think of careers in education, our mind goes straight to teachers at the face of the classroom. While teachers are critical to the success of a society, there are many other education professionals who foster learning not from the front of the classroom. The learning process is not limited to teacher-student interactions in the classroom.

Education can happen in a myriad of spaces and ways, and programs such as the online Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Educational Leadership program from Eastern Washington University (EWU) encourage educators to focus on the learning process in general. Through this program, graduates can pursue school leadership positions and expand their “role as a department head, mentor, curriculum coach and more.” They will be able to foster learning and equity in urban, global and diverse educational community settings in a number of roles — not just classroom teacher.

Whether it be in early childhood or higher education, graduates of EWU’s online M.Ed. in Educational Leadership program can incorporate theoretical education concepts into many environments, including the following:

Department Head

As defined by Indeed, “Department heads are leaders within companies and organisations. They often have in-depth knowledge of tasks entrusted to their department as well as leadership abilities.” Here are a few examples of responsibilities department heads may have in a normal workday:

  • Work with team members to establish and meet goals.
  • Devise departmental improvements.
  • Arrange and oversee employee training and department meetings.
  • Confer with stakeholders to share department objectives and progress.
  • Contribute to the department’s hiring and onboarding processes.
  • Go to conferences and conventions to strengthen leadership skills.

A department head in the education field manages a team of teachers to ensure the school operates properly and efficiently. They often oversee a specific subject like English, math, history or science. These department heads usually have teaching backgrounds that help them better understand the teachers they manage. They also “create curricula and perform other duties that promote high-quality education” and can “work at middle schools, high schools and colleges.”

Teacher on Special Assignment

Teachers on special assignment (TSA or TSOA) have one critical goal: to improve a school community with their expertise. These professionals can specialize in a number of areas (like special education, STEM or other). They coach and assist individuals in the school but do not perform classroom instruction duties. TSAs’ assignments may include working on special programs, helping with curriculum development, implementing research-based teaching strategies, providing peer coaching coversations and more. As ZipRecruiter notes, these professionals make an average of $51,264 a year

Higher Education Administration

Higher education or postsecondary administration can be a rewarding career path for those who want to influence university operations rather than personally teaching. These professionals can customize curricula, create programs and services, and help colleges and universities run smoothly.

It is also a growing discipline, with an estimated growth rate of 4% and the addition of almost 8,000 jobs by 2032, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

People who work with higher education administration are involved in all parts of the process, such as admissions, student affairs and the registrar. They provide necessary resources for enrolled students and assist graduates in the next steps toward their careers goals.

Avenues of Education for M.Ed. in Educational Leadership Graduates

Many options await those passionate about gaining insights into managing and improving the effectiveness of educators, educational environments and learning materials. With an online M.Ed. in Educational Leadership from EWU, graduates can pursue an assortment of educational and leadership opportunities.

Learn more about Eastern Washington University’s online M.Ed. in Educational Leadership program.

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