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Four Online MBA Options from EWU

Are you looking to improve your upward career mobility in specialized areas of business like finance and accounting? Or are you a business owner interested in expanding your company into global markets? Earning a Master of Business Administration (MBA) can help you develop the knowledge and skills you will need to accomplish these goals.

For the working professional, Eastern Washington University (EWU) now offers a fully online MBA program with four concentrations: General Business, Accounting, Finance and Global Business. By choosing the MBA concentration most closely aligned to your specific professional aspirations, you can focus your studies on those which will best aid in your success.

What Is the Basic Program Design?

All of EWU’s online MBA concentrations include seven core courses focused on aspects of business theory and practice in which all students should become well-versed. Topics range from decision-making based on data analysis to management models as applied to various processes involved in business operations. Core coursework also covers the fundamentals of accounting and finance, along with the nuances of responsible and effective leadership in practice.

Each concentration builds on core coursework with concentration-specific courses and electives, totaling the 11 courses (44 credit hours) required for graduation. Near the end of their studies, all MBA students complete a capstone project (considered a core course), applying what they have learned into complex, multi-faceted problem solving and strategic thinking.

Accounting Concentration

In this concentration, core MBA coursework is augmented with the study of financial analysis, global business accounting, cost management and a choice between electives focused on international finance and investments. As accounting is essential to all business operations, this field comes with a high degree of job security. Accounting professionals may work in different areas of a company, ascend to management, or start their own accounting firms.

Finance Concentration

This concentration focuses on advanced financial analysis and the complexities of international financial management for multinational organizations. Expertise in using financial tools, interpreting financial statements, and making strategic decisions for portfolio management are some of the topics covered.

Global Business Concentration

This area of MBA study is essential to large-scale business success in the globalized world of multinational corporations. The concentration focuses on the in-depth study of international finance, investment and diversification, market analysis, global accounting and pricing, etc.

General Business Concentration

This concentration is useful for small business owners who need to understand a breadth of business management practices. It may also be an attractive option for people looking for career mobility, whether across departments or upwards into high-level management roles. Beyond the required core courses, students have the flexibility of selecting the remaining courses from electives according to their interests.

Accounting, finance and global business are all vital components of contemporary business practice, and advanced, generalized business acumen is essential for business leaders and those who wish to be flexible in their careers. With these four options, EWU’s online MBA program offerings can help modern business professionals pursue and be successful in a wide range of career paths.

Learn more about EWU’s online MBA programs.


Toronto Sun: Five Good Reasons to Study Finance

AfterSchool: 10 Reasons Why You Should Study Accounting

SmartAsset: The Difference Between Accounting and Finance Career Information for a Degree in General Business Administration

ThoughtCo: The Reasons Why You Need to Study Global Business

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