Online Master of Public Health – General

Gain valuable expertise to improve public health and make a difference.

4/28/25 Next Application Due Date
5/12/25 Start Classes

Program Overview

EWU's Master of Public Health is offered fully online

The Eastern Washington University online Master of Public Health – General program can give you a broad array of career options and the ability to make a difference in a meaningful way—by educating patients, slowing the spread of disease and increasing life expectancy.

This online MPH degree prepares you to examine the sociological perspective of health care inequities and to develop the means to improve them. The coursework for this master's degree incorporates an integrated learning experience to match theory with real-world application. For example, you will create a Biostats toolkit to use in the field for research studies—to help you understand which statistical tool should be used to interpret and analyze data.

The faculty for EWU’s Master of Public Health program has practical experience in both rural and global health communities—giving you an expansive view of public health learnings.

As you pursue your online master’s degree in public health, you can prepare for in-demand roles such as public health educator, contact tracer, community health adviser, or biostatistician. According to Burning Glass Technologies, there is more than 13 percent projected growth for Emergency Management Directors, 10 percent growth for Epidemiologists, and more than 18 percent for Health Educators in the next ten years in the Washington region.

AACSB logo

The Eastern Washington University School of Business is accredited by AACSB International (AACSB).

In this online MPH degree program, you will learn to:

  • analyze public health issues;
  • develop programs to meet assessed public health needs;
  • assess program outcomes addressing public health concerns; and
  • apply funding concepts, both public and private, to public health initiatives.
  • analyze public health issues;
  • develop programs to meet assessed public health needs;
  • assess program outcomes addressing public health concerns; and
  • apply funding concepts, both public and private, to public health initiatives.

More online healthcare programs offered:

EWU offers a variety of health care degrees online. Check out all our online health care programs.

$19,500* Total Tuition
As few as 14 months Duration
60 Credit Hours

The Master’s in Public Health is accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH).

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See why our online graduate degrees are cost-effective

The online MPH – General program offers the same affordable, pay-by-the-course tuition to students residing in and out of the state of Washington.

*Tuition and fees subject to change. Total program cost does not include foundation courses. If foundation courses are required, the cost will be added to the total program cost.

Tuition breakdown:

$325 Per Credit Hour
$19,500* Total Tuition


Save these important dates and deadlines

The EWU online MPH – General is designed to be efficient for working professionals, featuring six-week courses and seven start dates a year. View the full calendar to find the best start date for you, along with deadlines for registration, required documents and tuition payment.

TermProgram Start DateApplication DeadlineRegistration DeadlineTuition Deadline
Winter II2/10/251/27/252/5/252/8/25
Spring I3/31/253/17/253/26/253/29/25
Spring II5/12/254/28/255/7/255/10/25
Summer I7/7/256/23/257/1/257/5/25
Fall I9/22/259/8/259/17/259/20/25
Fall II11/3/2510/20/2510/29/2511/1/25

Now enrolling:

4/28/25 Next Application Deadline
5/12/25 Start Classes

Have questions or need more information about our online programs?

Ready to take the rewarding path toward earning your degree online?


Register quickly and easily – here’s what you need to know

The admission process for the online Master of Public Health (MPH) is simple and streamlined. You can get started right away, without taking time away from your professional or personal commitments.

Admission Requirements:

  • Bachelor's degree
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • Professional resume

Online MPH – General Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution
  • Overall cumulative GPA of 3.0 or cumulative GPA of 3.0 in the last 90 quarter or 60 semester-graded postsecondary credit hours**
  • If your GPA is lower than a 3.0 and you have relevant work experience, we encourage you to apply. Applicants with GPAs below 3.0 are considered for admission on a case-by-case basis.
  • Official transcript from the college/university where degree was earned
  • Professional resume

Have a question? Call us at 800-826-3411.

**We encourage you to apply if your GPA is lower than a 3.0 and you have at least 3 years of professional work experience. Applicants with GPAs below 3.0 are considered for admission on a case-by-case basis. Please contact an Enrollment Services representative at 800-826-3411 for more information.

Document Submission Information

Order your official, electronic transcripts from the degree-granting institution where you earned your highest degree (bachelor’s or master’s) and have them sent to Eastern Washington University.

  • Most EWU graduate programs only require one transcript. Please submit a transcript from your degree-granting institution. This transcript should include the final two years of your degree completion. If it does not, please submit transcripts to cover your final two years of earned credits.
  • Please note that transcripts ordered by main may take 4-6 weeks to arrive.

If you are ordering a mailed paper transcript, please have it sent to:

Eastern Washington University
Showalter Hall 206
Cheney, WA 99004

Students in MPH Degree, by Cohorts Entering Between 2021-22 and 2023-24

  Cohort of Students 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
2021-2022 # Students continuing at beginning of this school year (or # entering for newest cohort) 255    
# Students withdrew, dropped, etc. 0    
# Students graduated 0    
Cumulative graduation rate 0%    
2022-23 # Students continuing at beginning of this school year (or # entering for newest cohort) 255 318  
# Students withdrew, dropped, etc. 3 3  
# Students graduated 69 1  
Cumulative graduation rate 27% 0%  
2023-24* # Students continuing at beginning of this school year (or # entering for newest cohort) 183 314 252
# Students withdrew, dropped, etc. 1 2 3
# Students graduated 64 72 0
Cumulative graduation rate 52% 23% 0%

*At the time this data was collected, the 2023-24 academic year was underway, so numbers are incomplete for that year. This data was collected on July 11, 2024. On that date, the data reflects the total number of entering students for the 2023-24 academic year but not the total number of graduates.


Review the curriculum for your online Master of Public Health degree at EWU

In order to earn the online Master of Public Health – General, you must complete 15 courses (60 credit hours).

PUBH 501 must be taken in your first term.
Duration: 6 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
This course provides a foundational and historical orientation for the public health professional including public health issues, concepts and terminology. Theoretical frameworks and program development skills that support the public health generalist are examined. PUBH 501 must be taken in your first term.
Duration: 6 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
This course introduces health delivery systems. Topics covered include various health services delivery models and standards that impact population health, experience of care and per capita costs. Current practices are reviewed.
Duration: 6 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
This course covers the tools needed to collect, analyze, and display data using software. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of biological data is explored. Software is used to apply the collection, analysis, and display of data in all areas of public health.
Duration: 6 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
This course challenges students to understand both the healthcare financial responsibilities and governance oversight for health systems. The student will learn the financial operations and governance to help any organization be successful. The modules, taking a practical approach, will cover subject matters such as; financial operations, revenue cycle management, budgeting, hierarchical reporting process and expectations, governance and regulatory compliance.
Duration: 6 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
This course begins with an overview of common policy perspectives, before moving on to discuss major relevant policy issues in the United States healthcare system and elsewhere. Healthcare policy impacting private and public entities including Medicare, Medicaid, Department of Defense, Veterans Administration, Indian Health Services are examined. The course concludes with an examination of influencing policy development, including media and community initiatives.
Duration: 6 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
This course provides students with the foundations of epidemiology, including its principles, concepts, and methods of epidemiologic practice; design, interpretation and evaluation of epidemiologic investigation. The course prepares the student to apply epidemiologic concepts to solve public health problems.

​By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Apply evidence-based principles and the scientific knowledge base to critical evaluation and decision-making in public health.
  • Describe a public health problem in terms of magnitude, person, time and place.
  • Draw appropriate inferences from epidemiological data.
  • Evaluate the strengths and limitations of epidemiological reports.
  • Explain how systems models can be tested and validated.
  • Prioritize individual, organizational, and community concerns and resources for public health programs.
  • Apply descriptive techniques commonly used to summarize public health data.
  • Explain the role of biology in the ecological model of population-based health.
Duration: 6 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
This course focuses on environmental and occupational health and epidemiology. An examination of human-environment interactions and the Anthropocene concept as well as environmental influences on health and occupational health.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Identify the major environmental and occupational risk factors for health-related outcomes in human population.
  • Analyze environmental and occupational health problems, risks, and mitigation.
  • Evaluate environmental or occupational policies for their impact on public health and health equity.
Duration: 6 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
This course examines the impacts of social determinants of health among local, national, and global populations. Attention to how race, class, power, wealth, structural bias, racism, and sexism undermine health is incorporated as a personal exploration of cultural competence. Students explore mitigating health inequities from a micro and macro lens.

​By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Evaluate social identity and intersectionality at a personal level.
  • Identify how inequities manifest themselves at the institutional, individual, and internal levels.
  • Discuss the means by which structural bias, social inequities and racism undermine health and create challenges to achieving health equity at organizational, community and societal levels.
  • Propose strategies to identify stakeholders and build coalitions and partnerships for influencing public health outcomes.
  • Describe the importance of cultural competence in communicating public health content.
Duration: 6 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
Using a systems-based approach to explore public health responses to biological and radiological outbreaks. Attention is given to legal, governance and ethical dimensions of risk management in vulnerability assessment. Emergency planning and preparedness for ‘major incidents’ are a foci.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe the pattern of burden of disease in a country using standard fertility and mortality indicators, estimates of disease burden measured in Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs), and data on disease incidence, prevalence, risk factors and geographic disparities.
  • Discuss exposure-disease relationships in human populations.
  • Communicate biological risks and prevention strategies to potentially affected communities using inclusive language.
  • Apply professional responsibility and ethics to mitigating risk of biological disease outbreaks.
  • Design an emergency preparedness plan to respond to a global pandemic.
Duration: 6 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
This course addresses development of core competencies needed to plan, implement and evaluate public and community health interventions. Students are introduced to a range of theories, evidence-based strategies, and resources critical to effective public health practice.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Critically analyze the program development process.
  • Support the concepts of cultural diversity and inclusion as it relates to population values and program planning.
  • Use an evidence-based design approach to draft a marketing plan to a target population.
  • Select appropriate tools to evaluate a public health program based on process, impact, and outcome objectives.
  • Apply a process improvement model to a given public health intervention.
  • Use a logic model to depict the relationship between program activities and effects
Duration: 6 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
This course presents concepts of social media and technology from a public health perspective. Students develop strategies in public health promotion utilizing various online platforms. Content includes graphic design, foundations of color, typography, ideas, concepts & forms, and various social media platforms.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Determine different strategies in digital communication for various audiences
  • and sectors.
  • Evaluate audience-appropriate public health content and dissemination for specific populations.
  • Utilize different forms of Social Media to promote Public Health.
  • Apply knowledge on media concepts and forms, graphic design, topography, color, by designing a compelling presentation to impact public health.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of health care needs and health disparities of diverse populations and seek to develop health promotion that take cultural diversity into account.
Duration: 6 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
This course explores professionalism, ethics, and leadership in the Public Health profession. Content is designed for application for future leadership roles.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Identify characteristics of professionalism in Public Health settings.
  • Relate leadership styles to personal experience through completion of a leadership e-portfolio.
  • Recognize the role of leadership in public health, including affecting policy and change.
  • Interpret DiSC profile outcomes in various leadership settings.
  • Analyze ethical leadership characteristics encountered in professional environments.
  • Create a leadership toolkit specific to Public Health, including ethics, 6 levels of leadership, professionalism, and conflict resolution.
Duration: 6 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
This course focuses on the skills to conduct contemporary public health research and grant submission including human subjects protection. Students develop an Individualized Learning Experience proposal including a review of the literature.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Analyze the grant development process.
  • Create a research prospectus for a public health project.
Duration: 6 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
This experiential course serves as a formative and reflective opportunity for students to apply their knowledge and learned behaviors in a chosen practical experience. Students create a learning plan to implement an applied practice experience that results in a quality work products that demonstrate meeting competence as a public health generalist.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Apply theory in a practical environment through a student driven experience.
  • Develop professional knowledge, skills, and abilities in completing a student driven experience.
  • Cultivate a professional image and network for professional development.
  • Assess personal strengths and weaknesses from a personal and professional perspective.
  • Evaluate future personal career choices and opportunities.
  • Add real life skills to personal portfolio for future employment.
Duration: 6 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
This is the culminating course for achieving a Masters in Public Health. Students defend their Integrative Learning Experiences, document their Applied Practice Experiences, and verify meeting all program competencies. Students reflect on these learning experiences through development and submission of an electronic portfolio. Through successful completion of this portfolio students effectively demonstrate meeting all CEPH accreditation requirements for a MPH generalist degree.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Meet all CEPH accreditation competencies and requirements for an EWU MPH generalist degree via submission of an ePortfolio that documents completion of all program competencies using a variety of artifacts and reflections.
  • Verify completion of at least one Applied Practice Experience that meets the required CEPH competencies.
  • Verify Integrative Learning Experiences via effective documentation in an ePortfolio.

Ranked among the Top 50 in U.S. News & World Report's "Best Regional Universities West" (2024)

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