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What Public Health Jobs Can I Get with a Master’s?

A Master’s Public Health (MPH) can unlock many opportunities for an individual looking to enter the healthcare industry upon graduation or propel their career trajectory.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), public health is “the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private communities, and individuals.”

Concentrations within the public health field include core functions and essential services such as epidemiology, surveillance, public health laboratories, prevention effectiveness and informatics.

Graduates from master’s programs can find themselves working within these concentrations, as well as specific public health titles including public health educator, contact tracer, community health advisor and biostatistician.

Salaries and Job Descriptions

Each title has a specific job description and salary that makes them unique within public health. In order to comprehend each of the possible job opportunities, consider the following:

  1. Public Health Educator

Health education specialists work to develop programs to educate people about various conditions affecting well-being. The community health worker’s role is to advocate for wellness by aiding in healthy behaviors. They work in multiple settings including health systems, nonprofit organizations and government agencies. Many implement wellness strategies by collecting data and discussing health concerns with members of specific populations. Health education specialists and community health workers can expect to earn about $48,860 annually.

  1. Contact Tracer

Contact tracers oversee monitoring the health of patients and the contacts of patients recently diagnosed with a disease. Contact tracing is “a method of identifying and gathering information about symptoms, exposure and travel history, and close contacts of people diagnosed with communicable diseases.” Many individuals who take this path possess good communication skills, empathy and cultural sensitivity to work with a community that has a diverse population. As a result, contact tracers can earn about $70,990 annually.

  1. Community Health Advisor

Community health advisors offer assistance and guidance to improve public health activities or services. They are employed in a wide range of facilities and organizations and may work for public, nonprofit or private agencies. Someone in this position may also work for local or state government agencies that provide citizens with health services. Many analyze public health data to inform and create policies and health programs, as well as write reports associated with data collection to benefit the community. Community health advisors can expect to earn about $61,816 annually.

  1. Biostatistician

The role of biostatisticians rests in data analysis. Their focus is on “living things” collected during medical research studies. From this information, they can draw conclusions and make predictions. Biostatisticians may also actually participate in the design and execution of research studies. They are also tasked with writing research proposals and conveying their findings to the scientific community. Biostatisticians can expect to earn about $93,290 annually.

Development of Skills

Each career path will require developing excellent communication skills, expert knowledge in compiling data, knowledge of research methods and the ability to advocate for specific, overlooked communities or projects.

A master’s degree program will cultivate these skills within each future graduate and allow them to thrive in their chosen field. Additionally, this will ensure that each community and healthcare institution is functioning at the highest level to preserve the safety and security of all.

The Benefit of a Public Health Degree at EWU

If public health is of interest to you, it will be beneficial to further your career in a leadership position and earn your Master of Public Health (MPH) degree. Those who enroll in the MPH online program at Eastern Washington University (EWU) will create a strong foundation to improve public health.

Graduates will examine the sociological perspective of healthcare inequities and develop ways to improve them. Analyzing public health issues, developing programs to meet assessed public health needs, assessing program outcomes, addressing public health concerns and applying public and private funding concepts are major takeaways from this course.

In as few as 14 months, you will be able to make a difference in a meaningful way by educating patients, slowing the spread of disease and increasing life expectancy.

Learn more about Eastern Washington University’s online MPH – General program.

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