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Jobs in Washington State With a Master’s Degree in Education

An M.Ed. degree offers education professionals a variety of career paths. Here we’ll take a look at some of the fields and the roles available. 

K-12 Education and Administration

K-12 is rich with positions in both the classroom and administration.

A master’s degree in education can lead to a career as a school principal or a school district superintendent. In addition to these well-known jobs are administrative positions related to curriculum, programs and grants.

Many teachers also complete a master’s in education to advance their careers. These teachers often become sought-after educators because of their specialty areas.

A number of reasons motivate education professionals to earn a master’s degree, including the desire to be recognized as a leader in one’s field and earn a higher salary. In Washington state, teachers with a master’s degree earn an average of $11,000 more a year than their peers without a master’s degree.

Higher Education

A master’s in education can be used to teach at the college level as a professor, lecturer or adjunct instructor. Teachers are needed at both four-year colleges and universities as well as at community colleges.

In addition to teaching, some educators work in higher education as administrators or as staff to fill the many needs of a university.

A Variety of Career Paths

K-12 and higher education really just scratch the surface when it comes to how you can use a Master of Education degree to enhance your career. Other jobs include working as a speaker, writer, human resource specialist or adult literacy instructor.

Some educators use their expertise in leadership positions in both corporate and nonprofit organizations. There is also a need for educators to teach English as a second language and for tutors in all subjects at all levels of education.

A role that lies outside of educational institutions and systems is that of a consultant for software companies. Some of these companies create software specifically for educational purposes while others design commercial software to training modules.

Opportunities in the State of Washington

Washington needs more educators. The online Master of Education program at Eastern Washington University is offered in many different concentrations, including Early Childhood Education. Early childhood education is an extremely promising career track to follow. A Burning Glass report on “Occupational Skills” projects that Washington job openings in early childhood education will grow 10.5 percent over the next two years.

The online Master of Education — Early Childhood Education Program at Eastern Washington University meets the standards of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The field has a need for teachers as well as program specialists and coaches for state Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS).

Eastern Washington University also offers Master of Education programs focused on Literacy, Curriculum & Instruction, Adult Education and Educational Leadership. Each program encourages finding your voice as an educator, holding yourself to high ethical standards, successfully leading diverse populations and building learning communities.

Learn more about Eastern Washington University’s online programs in education.


Chron: Jobs You Can Get With a Master’s in Education

The Nest: Careers That Require a Master’s Degree in Education

Burning Glass Technologies: Labor Insight reports. 2019

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